Happiness Fills this blog
<3 Always Be HAPPY here k!! :D


Heyyo!! ^^

Monday, September 14, 2009.

Hello! I have so many things to say that I don't know what to say so I shall not say anything. ^^ XD heh is that even possible!! XD :D
Happiness is Best @ (: 6:30 AM

Friday, September 4, 2009.

Teachers' Day Celebration on monday was fun! :D Guides on Wednesday was awesome <3 Yesterday was just HILARIOUS! XD Haha le'ts start chronologically! :D

-skip not so interesting part of the morning XD- After assembly, our chair and vice-chair rushed off :O and I sortofforgottochecktheseatingplan (SHH), so a couple of us wandered around like lost sheep. Heh. To cut a long story short, we FINALLY found where we were supposed to be standing! It was on the 2nd level, peering over the railing. After a long while of staring at the top of peoples' heads, trying to decipher who they were, feeling unimportant, we got bored. OH and I spotted Joey! Who SUDDENLY looked up :O *freaks out* and saw me too! Because we had nothing to do (really!) so Kwanglin and I had a who-can-wave-at-Joey-the-most-when-she-looks-up competition! It went something like this:

Joey: *glances up for a millie-second*
Me: *Waves frantically* YAY 1-0!
Joey: *Confused look, Stares again*
Kwanglin suddenly wakes up and waves hard: 1-1!! :P

Yep. XD After class party a whole bunch of us went back to rgps! :D And ate lunch at Estivo! :D In the afternoon I went swimming with Yen Fei :D It was really fun! :D

I love my patrol <333 Footdrill was interesting ^^ While I waited for my parents to come, I talked to Cheryl and Synth-Di about class. Then I talked to Amanda about Debate and talked to Joceline about Guides and RSP haha! :D

Conclusion: We are blur. XD After History, I started to pack my bag and get ready for Malay oral after school! :D I suddenly realise that Sinead was sleeping and the class was quite empty. I saw it was 1.28pm and thought I was late for Malay. HAHA smart people like y'all would probably realised that it was LUNCH and not END OF SCHOOL. XD but i didn't realise. I rushed to 113 and found out that... they were still having lessons?!?! NOW I realised it was Lunch. So I zoomed back to class and yelped "KWANGLIN IT WAS LUNCH!! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME!! XD" Surprise surprise! She thought it was end of school too, until Tamisha asked her why she was walking out of the door with her bag. 恍然大悟! There was not much we could do, so we laughed and laughed. And LAUGHED! :D HAHA XD

Conclusion: Did I mention? WE ARE BLUR XD :D
Happiness is Best @ (: 8:07 AM